Take sports to the next level

Kids and teens can develop and refine skills in Sports Training

In addition to playing sports at school, or in the Y’s classes and leagues, athletes in grades 3-12 can learn new and improve existing skills with private, small-group or team Sports Training.

Here’s an inside look at what you can expect, with insights from Ben Claassen, Sports Training director at the Y.

Free evaluation

All Sports Training athletes begin with a free evaluation session, done in a group setting. This is your opportunity to see the program in action, ask questions and talk about which training option might make the most sense for your child. Contact us to schedule your evaluation today.

Tailored training options

In private training, your child will get one-on-one time with a coach to work on a combination of sports drills and physiological movements to foster the appropriate motions for desired skills—which might include ball handling, scoring and defense. Private training is a way for kids to get individualized attention and coaching, plus it can be helpful for children that might not be as comfortable in a group setting.

With small-group training, kids work with a coach in groups of up to 6. Because groups are put together based on skill, all activities for a session are done as a group, which can be helpful for kids—not only in building group dynamic, but for peer learning, too. When one athlete successfully masters a skill, other group members are often encouraged and motivated to keep going. Small-group training is a cost-effective way to benefit from Sports Training.

Team training is also available for groups of 7-12 kids.

Sports Training is available in packages of 1-12 hours. Monthly plans of up to 2 hours of training per day are available for small-group training. At your initial evaluation, we can help you determine which option might be the right match for your needs—depending on how long your child wants to train and how frequently they expect to come in.

Sports skills are just the beginning

In addition to working on isolated movements and skills for sports, kids in Sports Training are also building confidence and expanding social skills. “We create an environment where kids feel comfortable in their own skin. It’s a safe and supportive environment for everyone,” says Ben.